A NSW Government website

Electric vehicle ready buildings

Key info

  • Grant is now closed for new applications
  • Applications that have started can be completed
  • Grant amounts: up to $80,000

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Grant is closed to new applications

The Electric vehicle (EV) ready buildings grant has seen a positive reception with many stage 1 applications submitted since its launch in mid-October.

As a limited amount of funding is available, the program will not accept new applications until the assessment of submitted applications is complete and remaining funding is identified.

Those who have already started an online application can continue to complete it for consideration.

For questions regarding this update, please contact the team at [email protected]. Stay up to date by subscribing to our mailing list at the bottom of this page.

Upgrade your apartment building with the infrastructure it needs

Electric vehicle (EV) purchases in NSW made up 8% of new car sales in the first half of 2023. The race to make buildings EV ready is on.

It is estimated that 80-90% of EV owners will charge their vehicle at home – whether that is at a single dwelling or in an apartment building. In NSW, 15% of the population live in apartments and there are nearly 84,000 strata schemes. NSW Government is now providing co-funding to retrofit existing apartment buildings to make them EV ready.

There’s $10 million available to assist eligible NSW apartment buildings by co-funding the assessment and installation of EV infrastructure upgrades. This funding is available through the EV ready buildings grant.

An investment in EV charging will:

  • provide residents with the infrastructure they need and expect
  • increase interest in rental properties
  • improve equitable access to EV technology.  

This grant will support you to: 

Pictogram of apartment buildings

Identify your building's current and future EV charging needs

Pictogram representing electric vehicle

Retrofit EV charging infrastructure including switchboards, distribution boards and cabling 

Pictogram representing electric vehicle charging

Enable residents to easily install their own EV charger 

Continue application

Grant application guide 

This grant is now available and will close once funds are exhausted.

1. Start by understanding what's on offer

The grant will be separated into 2 stages of co-funding.

Stage 1 – feasibility assessment 

The grant will subsidise the cost of a feasibility assessment. The cost to the applicant will be $2,000 ex-GST. The NSW Government will cover the remainder of the fee. If you already have a recent feasibility assessment, the NSW Government will review this for suitability at no charge.


Infographic showing $2,000 applicant contribution + NSW government funding = total cost of feasibility assessment
Stage 2 – infrastructure upgrades

The grant will co-fund 80% (up to $80,000 per building) of eligible infrastructure costs. It will also cover 50% (up to $1,200 per building) of eligible software subscription costs for 2 years. 


Infographic with text that says "We'll cover 80% of eligible of EV infrastructure costs, up to $80,000 per building; and 50% of eligible software subscription costs for 2 years, up to $1,200 per building"

2. Check your eligibility. 

To be eligible you must meet the following criteria: 

Stage 1
  • Located in NSW. 
  • Registered strata scheme under the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015.
  • Classified as a class 2 building under the National Building Code with 10 or more apartments. 
  • The building must have private and/or common property visitor (or shared) off-street common property parking as part of the strata scheme.
  • No more than 4 EV chargers already installed for buildings with less than 40 apartments, or no more than 10% of the number of parking spaces for buildings over 40 apartments.  
  • Must be able to implement EV charging infrastructure upgrades that can be accessed by all residents. 
Stage 2
  • Completed stage 1 of the program. 
  • 2 x commercial quotes for the electrical infrastructure works. 
  • Confirmation that EV charging infrastructure will be appropriately operated and maintained. 
  • Confirmation that charging infrastructure will be accessible to all residents and tenants looking to install EV chargers. 
  • Evidence of owners corporation approval for the installation of EV charging infrastructure. 
  • Evidence of sufficient funds to complete the works (i.e. sufficient capacity in the Capital Works Fund). 
  • Insurances: public liability, professional indemnity, workers compensation. 

3. Read the guidelines. 

Additional eligibility requirements and merit criteria for each site may apply. You can find the complete grant and eligibility criteria in the funding guidelines. To help you prepare an application make sure you read:

Resources and support for applicants - stage 1

Refer to the following guidelines and resources to help you through your application. 

Pre-application checklist

Follow the steps in this checklist before beginning your application form. 

Feasibility assessment checklist and example feasibility report

If you are uploading a previously completed feasibility assessment report as part of your stage 1 application, follow the steps in this checklist. Please refer to the example feasibility report as a guide on what is required in your own report. 

Resident survey template

Use this survey template to understand the attitudes of tenants regarding EVs and EV charging infrastructure within the building. 

Strata Committee meeting grant application motion template

This motion can be used by the Strata Committee to approve the Owner’s Corporation’s grant submission and the meeting minutes submitted as part of the application. 

EV ready buildings grants information session

Watch the information session to learn how to participate in this program. Watch now.

Resources and support for applicants - stage 2

Refer to the following guidelines and resources to help you through your application. 

EVRB stage 2 grant application - sample owners corporation general meeting motions template

This motion template can be used by the Strata Committee to approve the Owner's Corporation's grant submission and the meeting minutes submitted as part of the application.

EVRB stage 2 pre-applicant checklist

Follow the steps in this checklist before beginning your Stage 2 application form.

EVRB stage 2 grant application example quote

Use this example quote to assist you entering your requested co-funding amount into our application portal.

EVRB stage 2 detailed project plan template

Use this detailed project plan template to showcase the eligibility and merit of your Stage 2 funding application. You will be required to upload your detailed project plan with your Stage 2 application form.

For more information on fire safety in buildings please visit our fire safety in buildings web page. Other useful resources include EV firesafe and the Australian Building Code Board’s advisory note on EV charging.  


Person standing in front of electric vehicle charger

Upgrade your apartment building with the infrastructure it needs

I'm not eligible for funding but would like to make my building EV ready anyway!

If you aren't eligible for the grants but would still like to make your building EV ready, check out these guidance materials to support you in undertaking the process.

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