Strategies and roadmaps
For government and local organisations

There is a range of NSW Government strategies and roadmaps that guide our climate, energy and sustainability programs supporting local councils, communities, businesses, industries and households.
Visit our plans and progress page for more information.

The NSW Government’s Net Zero Plan Stage 1: 2020-2030 outlines the State’s plan to take action on climate change to reach net zero emissions by 2050. Local councils and authorities are key partners to achieve this goal, through their local knowledge, leadership and connections to local communities.

The NSW Climate Change Policy Framework guides the NSW Government's climate change policies and programs. It outlines our long-term objectives to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and to make New South Wales more resilient to a changing climate.

The NSW Climate Change Adaptation Strategy sets out an ambitious approach to climate change adaptation. The strategy provides a framework that will strengthen and expand action to adapt to climate change now and over the long term. It builds on the comprehensive suite of climate change policies already in place, such as the Net Zero Plan Stage 1: 2020-2030.

Upgrading the electricity network to power our state now and for the next generation.
Learn more about the Roadmap.

The NSW Electricity Strategy is the NSW Government’s plan for a reliable, affordable and sustainable electricity future that supports a growing economy. The strategy aligns closely with the Net Zero Plan Stage 1: 2020-2030.

The NSW Hydrogen Strategy brings together the NSW Government’s existing and new policies into a framework to support the development of a commercial hydrogen industry in NSW.

The NSW Electric Vehicle Strategy is our ambitious plan to make NSW the easiest place to buy and use an EV in Australia. The NSW Government is delivering significant support to help kick-start the State’s pathway to EVs and fast-track the transport sector to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

The NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy outlines the actions we will take over the next six years, the first phase of the strategy, to deliver on our long-term objectives. These actions are backed by $356 million in funding to help deliver priority programs and policy reforms.

The Net Zero Industry and Innovation Investment Plan is our state’s first industrial emissions reduction plan. It demonstrates how we will support and partner with our manufacturing and mining sectors to cut emissions and boost resilience.