A NSW Government website

Reaching net zero emissions

NSW's plan to address climate change and reach net zero emissions by 2050.

NSW has legislated our emissions reduction targets, demonstrating the government’s commitment to a net zero future.

These include:

  • Reducing emissions by 50% on 2005 levels by 2030
  • Reducing emissions by 70% on 2005 levels by 2035
  • Reaching net zero by 2050
  • A requirement to set a 2040 and 2045 interim target. 

Getting to net zero is an important part of the NSW Government’s plan to grow a sustainable low carbon economy, create jobs, reduce the cost of living, and improve environmental outcomes through our emissions reduction initiatives. 

Net zero emissions are achieved when human-caused emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere are balanced by their removals over a specified period. 

Our net zero emissions reduction target 

To achieve net zero, NSW’s net emissions are required to be zero or negative by 2050 and for all future reporting. 

Communicating the scope of NSW’s emission target ensures we can scientifically monitor and report our progress. It also enables our cities, councils, Government agencies, and other organisations to understand how their targets relate to the state target.  

NSW’s net emissions are calculated by determining the State’s direct greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the Australian National Greenhouse Accounts.  

NSW does not count emissions reductions that occur in other jurisdictions in its net emissions accounts. International shipping and aviation are also not included. 

Learn more about the scope of the NSW state-wide net zero by 2050 target.

Net Zero Plan Stage 1: 2020-2030

The Net Zero Plan aims to strengthen the prosperity and quality of life of the people of NSW, while helping to achieve the State’s objective to deliver a 70% cut in emissions by 2035 compared to 2005 levels. 

Green building

Net Zero Commission

The Net Zero Commission provides independent expert advice to ensure NSW is on a clear path towards net zero.

Solar panels on a rooftop against the backdrop of nature

Net Zero Futures Policy Forum

The Net Zero Futures Policy Forum is a voluntary international collaboration open to state, regional and other interested governments at the forefront of global decarbonisation efforts. 

Farmer using technology on the land

The Climate Change (Net Zero Future) Act 2023

The NSW Government has legislated whole-of-government climate action in the Climate Change (Net Zero Future) Act 2023. This legislation signals our commitment to a resilient, net zero future and sets out a clear path to deliver net zero by 2050

Gullen Range solar farm