A NSW Government website

Ways to get started

for government and local organisations

Useful information

While every council will have a unique emissions profile, most emissions will come from common sources. 

By reducing emissions and moving to net zero, councils can help to limit climate change and reduce the impacts of climate change in their region.

Local governments have a crucial role in reducing emissions to mitigate the impacts of climate change for their communities. 

To achieve net zero emissions, councils need to plan and develop a strategy for their operational and community emissions.

Community groups can make small changes to reduce carbon emissions and reduce negative impacts on the environment.

Understanding where your emissions come from is an essential first step to preparing your net zero strategy.

Affordable. Clean. Reliable. Energy for everyone.

Upgrading the electricity network to power our state now and for the next generation.
Wind farm at sunset

What to do during an electricity outage

Read important information to help you prepare for and safely manage an electricity outage.

Woman sitting in the dark looking at a laptop screen