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Net Zero Futures Policy Forum

The Net Zero Futures Policy Forum is an international partnership of governments committed to addressing the practical challenges of achieving net zero emissions.

The Forum is an Under2 Coalition initiative open to state, regional and other interested governments at the forefront of global decarbonisation efforts.

Its focus is on practical collaboration and immediate actions that can help governments shape the best global net zero policy solutions. 

Forum membership is open to any state, regional, or other interested government, even if they’re not an Under2 Coalition member. Independent governance and funding helps open membership to any interested government.  

The Forum's prospectus includes answers to common questions about the Forum. 

Supported by officials

Senior officials from member jurisdictions contribute via the Forum’s Senior Officials Group (SOG). This group develops work plans to help deliver the MLG’s objectives, recommends policy priorities, and oversees the work of the Forum’s taskforces. 

Building collaboration through action

Action on the Forum’s priorities is undertaken by taskforces which include subject-matter experts from member governments. Their role is to tackle shared policy problems and each taskforce decides its scope and agrees its own work plan. 

There are currently 3 taskforces, one for each of the Forum’s policy priorities: nature-based solutions, transport emissions and green hydrogen. 

All members are welcome to propose new policy priorities. Because the Forum is a Minister-led initiative, the MLG decides which policy areas the Forum should prioritise and if new taskforces should be created.

Looking for new members

The Forum is a young initiative. Its strength will lie in the diverse perspectives and experiences its members contribute. Expanding its membership will help all members benefit from exposure to a wide range of policy ideas at the forefront of global emissions-reduction efforts. 

To participate, governments sign the Forum's joining agreement

Join the Forum 

Simply sign the letter of intent and send it to [email protected].

The Forum's prospectus includes answers to common questions about the Net Zero Futures Policy Forum. For any additional questions, please email us at the address above.