Be prepared
It's a good idea to have an emergency kit prepared. Amongst other emergency equipment this kit should contain LED torches, batteries, a car mobile phone charger and some cash.
- LED torches are the preferred method to light the home in darkness. Remember to check the batteries from time to time.
- Have a list of emergency and important phone numbers at hand.
- Make sure the people you live with are aware of the emergency kit and where to find it.
- Your car can be used to recharge phones and other USB devices. Be sure to run the vehicle outside with good ventilation for the exhaust fumes.
- Cash can be used during prolonged outages in case electronic payment systems are down at local shops.
If you rely on life support equipment, we encourage you to contact your Network Service Provider or your electricity retailer and provide your details. It is recommended to prepare an action plan in the event of a planned or unplanned power outage.
Be power safe
The safety of you and your family should be your highest priority.
If you spot any fallen or exposed wires, stay at least 8 metres away from these lines and call your Network Service Provider (the name of the provider for your area is located on your power bill). Fallen power lines and hazards in the network can be reported to your Network Service Provider on the numbers below.
- AusGrid: 13 13 88
- Endeavour Energy: 13 10 03
- Essential Energy: 13 20 80
For sensitive electronic appliances such as your TV, radio, sound system, computers, Wi-Fi routers etc, unplug these items from the power point to prevent the risk of damage in the event of a power surge when the power is restored.
Do not operate any gas, wood-fired or charcoal heaters or BBQs inside the house. These devices produce a toxic gas that can kill, even in very small amounts.
During an outage
Power outages can either be a planned or unplanned.
Planned outages are scheduled outages that are necessary to undertake network maintenance and upgrades to ensure the system continues to operate safely and as reliably as possible.
Your Network Service Provider will notify you ahead of a schedule planned outage in your area and the expected restoration time for power will be known. Check for planned outages on your Network Service Providers website. To find out if your Network Service Provider is AusGrid, Endeavour Energy or Essential Energy refer to your power bill.
Unplanned power outages can occur from time to time without notice. An unplanned power outage can be caused by many things, such as damage by fallen trees during a storm or an unexpected fault in equipment. By nature, you will not be informed prior to an unplanned power outage.
During a power outage, if it is safe to do so, the follow things can assist you get through the outage safely.
- Look for other confirming signs of a power outage, such as checking with your neighbour or noticing if the street lights being out at night.
- Tune into your local radio station with a battery operated radio or the car radio for power restoration updates.
- Turn off appliances and lights to avoid damage from power surges when the power comes back on.
- Keep your fridge and freezer closed and minimise opening the door to extend the time items will stay food-safe.
- Leave one light switched on so you will know as soon as the power is restored.
- Assist your neighbours where possible and safe to do so.
- External portable generators should only be used to power appliances directly plugged into them. Do not use a generator inside your residence.
For the most up to date information on the power outage please contact your Network Service Provider. Each provider has information on outages on their website:
Remember in the event of a life threatening emergency call 000.